"I have that problem every once in while. Other users report that this problem is cured by a simple restart. This command will switch between active Finder windows. The windows can also be accessed by immediately pressing the Command-tilde (~) keyboard combination after pressing Command-Tab combination. I haven't figured out yet what brings on this behavior - it doesn't happen all the time." "I am also experiencing this issue, which I get around by using Expose to show me the Finder windows. Some users have resorted to invoking Exposé in order to view the otherwise hidden Finder windows immediately. When switching to or from applications with simple windows, like iChat or Safari without tabbed windows, this behavior occurs less frequently or not at all." "More to the point, this odd command-Tab behavior occurs more when trying to switch to or from applications with many diverse kinds of windows open, like Microsoft Word 2004 or Finale 2006, both of which use normal windows in conjunction with many kinds of palettes (the kind that don?t appear in an F9 or F10 Exposé). Restarting my computer gets rid of any weird behavior such as this. First of all, the longer I've had my computer on, the more likely this phenomenon is to occur. "I've noticed a pattern regarding the frequency of this phenomenon.

Clicking the application's icon in the Dock still works just fine, but on a laptop command-Tab is obviously more convenient than using the trackpad. "Sometimes when I'm using command-Tab to switch from one application to another the desired application?s windows do not come to the forefront.

MacFixIt reader Kyle describes the issue in detail: Several users have now corroborated the issue. We continue coverage of an issue where no open Finder windows come to the foreground when the Finder is switched to using the Command-Tab keyboard combination - which should be default behavior.